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Fleetwood is located in the northeast part of Berks County and has a population of about 4,000 people according to the 2010 US Census. Fleetwood is a small community just 1 square mile in size ... Details

Muhlenberg Township is a community in Berks County that features a population of almost 20,000 in a 12.2 square mile area (according to the 2010 US Census). The majority of the population reside ... Details

Reading is the county seat of Berks County with a population of over 88,000 according to the 2010 US Census. It is the 5th largest city in the state with an area more than 45,000 square ... Details

Shillington is a borough in Berks County with a population of over 5,200 at the time of the 2010 census. It is nestled toward the south west area of Berks County is about the size of just under ... Details

Sinking Spring is a borough of over 4,000 at the time of the 2010 US Census and includes an area of 1.4 square miles. It is located in western Berks County and was built on top of many ... Details

Wyomissing is located in Central Berks County and is about 4.5 square miles in size with a population of nearly 10,500 (according to the 2010 US Census). Although Wyomissing is relatively small ... Details